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Ted Chase

2020 Inductees Announced, Ceremony Postponed

The Hall of Recognition board is pleased to announce its newest slate of inductees! Regrettably, because the future status of the COVID-19 pandemic is unknown, the induction ceremony originally planned for Friday, June 5 at the Grande Event Centre has been postponed until further notice. Contributing factors include uncertainty as to whether a gathering of that size would be permitted by that date, and concerns about endangering or inconveniencing attendees, many of whom are older… Read More »2020 Inductees Announced, Ceremony Postponed

2019-20 Board

This year, for the first time, we introduced “staggered” board terms. Simply put, half of the board was elected to a 1-year term and half to a 2-year term. Going forward, this means that only half of our board positions will come up for election each year, ensuring ongoing year-to-year continuity.

Capitol Centre Agreement Reached!

We’re very excited to announce an agreement between the Hall of Recognition and the Capitol Centre that will see the creation of a rotating display of selected inductee plaques to be located in the Centre’s main corridor, immediately to the left of the theatre entrance. This will significantly raise the overall profile of the Hall and provide us with an important “downtown presence” in North Bay’s music and theatre centre! It will also give additional… Read More »Capitol Centre Agreement Reached!

Stay Tuned!

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